You have your online business up and running. But are you making as much as you could? Do you want to stay at current level or do
better and make this a full time income?
If you are thinking this way you may want to consider some making some

Be sure to keep copies of the older versions of letters
since things can change quickly so you will be able to go back to a previous
version if you find you are getting less results from the new copy.
Try sending postcards to potential customers. Many people prefer to be contacted by mail
and with today’s email having a multitude of offerings a post card very well
can set you apart. You do not have to
rely strictly on contacting people thru an online medium. There is a world outside of the Internet that
can be used very effectively to get customers to read your message.
Can you online business bring repeat customers? What kind of ideas do you have about
complimenting products? If someone is
happy with a product they purchased from you they will be less hesitant on
purchasing again. Be sure to let your
current customers know of any new product additions. If you are selling services contact your
customers to let them know you are available for work and maybe offer some
discount or other incentive to use you again.
These repeat and satisfied customers can be great referrals to others
about your online business.
You never stop learning.
You never know what new information you have may significantly change
your business for the better. There are
so many manuals that offer advice it would be basically impossible to read them
all. Select one or two and really study
them, put the ideas to work after you have read them and track the progress.
Try widening your income opportunities. For example if you sell a home repair book,
you may also then sell blueprints or a series of common project plans such as a
deck, utility shed to name a couple. The
trick is to sometimes find a natural connection. Sometimes is may also be profitable to think
of a new market to become jointly involved with. Such as home repair book and then become a
home loan or construction loan affiliate.
It is a matter of finding another target group that can benefit from
your service or product.
The final outcome is you want to attract new customers while
continually taking care of your current customers. Sometimes it is just a matter of some slight
changes that will bring the desired income increase from your online business.