In the present years people are more curious about security and privacy. So now a days more software companies around the world are busy developing Cloud Storage facilities to their clients. As part of that Google has introduced a cloud storage service namely Google Drive and many companies has developed such as Drop box etc....
But we find difficulties in converting the files stored in our cloud storage (Google Drive,Dropbox etc) . And we start Googling for Converter, cloud converter etc but many of the service listed in google search are good infough for our requirement and many are't user freindly. But now we have answer for this problem, that is Comet Docs.
Cloud storage services and online file converters are some of the most popular web tools when it comes to document management and productivity. Knowing this, Cometdocs have decided to give you a way to integrate the two. Cometdocs is an online document management service that specializes in offering free, fast and accurate file conversions between a large variety of file types (PDF, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, AutoCAD formats, HTML and more).
There are two ways to integrate Cometdocs’ file conversion capabilities with your cloud storage service of choice. In both instances, you will first have to register for a free Cometdocs account.
If you want to use Cometdocs from the browser, head over to the site and log in. You will then be lead to the Cometdocs interface, where you will see an “Import file from” button. Click on that button and select either Dropbox or Google Drive to synch with your Cometdocs account. 

Once you have synched your cloud storage, you will see a window listing all of the files stored in your cloud. Single-click on the file you want to convert and then click the “Choose” button to upload it to your Cometdocs account.
You will now see that file in your Cometdocs clipboard. Simply drag it over to the “Convert” tab and choose your conversion type.
Once the file is converted, you will be able to download the newly converted file and do what you want with it. You can even store the files with Cometdocs, which offers free users 2GB of storage space.
While this browser-based integration is great, using Cometdocs’ desktop app makes the process even more convenient.
Once you have downloaded and installed the desktop app and then signed in to Cometdocs through the app, all you need to do is open your cloud storage folder of choice. When using the desktop app, your options aren’t limited to Google Drive and Dropbox. You can open up the folder of any cloud storage service, SkyDrive, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other service you use.
Once you open your cloud service folder, find the file you want to convert and right-click on it. Find the Cometdocs icon on the menu and then select the conversion type you need.
And that’s all there is to the process. Once your file is converted, the new file will be downloaded directly into the same folder and automatically synched with your cloud storage.
The desktop app is especially good when you need to convert a very large file, because it allows you to bypass your browser in the process entirely. Uploading large files via browser can often be a frustrating process, but with the Cometdocs desktop app, you don’t have to worry about it

If you are looking for the fastest and most accurate way to convert files from within your cloud storage service of choice, you’ll have a hard time finding a better option than integration your cloud storage with Cometdocs’ free file conversion service.